Friday, February 13, 2009


bored. stuck at home. alone. bla bla bla. cleaning. yada yada, etc. Ready for the evening or this car guy to CALL ME back already. sigh.

zit. pain. getting ready and going out now, peace.

Confessions of a Shopaholic- great stuff! random seriousness was not expected and not liked, but the eye candy was worth it. And not just the shoes... ;) LOL bahhaha. I kid, I kid. In general it was a very colorful movie and fun to watch.

Random neck pains, whats up with that? Delicious mexican food tonight. A+ Salsa, good job las haciendas

(and it shouldn't be this hard to get a car. Lord, I'm going crazy. What's wrong? It feels so unfair! How can I break out of this? It will take me too long to save up a full amount, I'm still a student. What do you want me to do? WHAT?)